InfoTech - Job Seeking Tips

e.g. Java EE, CCNA, 8482, 33188-1, Project Manager      


Job Seeking Tips

A serving staff tells you more about the application and selection process, working life, IT technologies, compensations, fringe benefits and career development opportunities of the government T-contract. Conducted at Java meeting room, Lippo Centre, Hong Kong.
Know more about T-contract, from skill selection, competitive bidding approach, operation procedures, Contract Staff Administration System (CSAS) to CSA Contractor Client Module (CCM), etc. Quoted HR Columnists, CTgoodjobs, 15 July 2020, Chinese only.
The recruitment and human resources management of IT contract staff - a comparison between Non-Civil Service Contract (NCSC) and T-contract. Quoted HR Columnists, CTgoodjobs, 12 December 2019, Chinese only.
Mindset, reasons, remuneraton and benefits, career development opportunities for serving as the IT contract staff of the Government. Quoted HR Columnists, CTgoodjobs, 15 July 2019, Chinese only.
In March 2017, InfoTech conducted a seminar in City University of Hong Kong to analyze hot skills in the ICT Job Market of Hong Kong and China, giving advice to graduates regarding career choice and interview skills.
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